Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Melbourne, Australia's own Harrison Bradley

Harrison Bradley is a young Australian actor and performer from Melbourne with his sights set on Los Angeles. He has already been on productions such as Disney’s Page In Time, as well as in live stage acts, theater and radio shows. In addition to loving drama and acting, Harrison is focused on entertainment and performance of all sorts. He is skilled in many different areas like singing, dancing, playing guitar, performing card tricks, snowboarding and much, much more. And all that while he's only 14 years old!

Bradley's career started when he was only five years old. His first exposure to film was with Disney’s production in Australia, the miniseries Page In Time. He was choosen among many other young actors to play a part in the show, and since then has remained motivated to keep the fun of acting going at a steady and unceasing pace.

Turning to Harrisons influences,  has been inspired by artists like the Umbilical Brothers and the Steele Brothers, from whom he would feel motivated to adapt magic tricks and other sort of performances into his work on stage.
On Stage

Recently Harrison has being quite focused on stage performance. He was part of the Australian theater musical Annie, where he showcased his wide range of his skills, performing as Wacky, the ventriloquist doll and also an old lady. Musically, Harrison has also performed as a singer in the Aussie Kids Rock project, Green Eggs and Ham. His greatest achievement was during a set of stand up comedy act in Los Angeles during the iPOP event, the biggest festival for performers in the world, where he was awarded four times, including in the category of Best Child Actor of the Year.

Other Stages

Not only has Harrison develop his acting talents, he has also entertained on StarFM broadcasts as the Weather Wizz Kid and featured in a number of Radio Voice Adds. Soon he will be dedicating his time to auditioning in Los Angeles during the season of series pilots for television. Meanwhile, he won't stop his pursuit of excellence with regards to his acting and perfomance skills. Harrison aims to be able to write his own performance work very soon with the goal to one day direct and star in his own feature film.


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